1-Jan-25 |
Cancelled |
8-Jan-25 |
Why are bald eagles bald? |
15-Jan-25 |
What is at the center of the Earth? |
22-Jan-25 |
Why are trees so tall? |
29-Jan-25 |
What is a whirlpool? |
5-Feb-25 |
What color is fire? |
12-Feb-25 |
Why do birds fly together in a flock? |
19-Feb-25 |
Do all animals have blood? |
26-Feb-25 |
Why do some animals eyes glow in the dark? |
5-Mar-25 |
Cancelled |
12-Mar-25 |
How do snails get their shells? |
19-Mar-25 |
Do poisonous frogs live in KY? |
26-Mar-25 |
What shape is a flower? |
2-Apr-25 |
Cancelled |
9-Apr-25 |
Can plants talk to each other? |
16-Apr-25 |
Why do animals have different teeth? |
23-Apr-25 |
Where does morning dew come from? |
30-Apr-25 |
What animals used to live here? (look at extinct animals) |
7-May-25 |
About wild strawberries? |
14-May-25 |
Do Box turtles shed their shells? |
21-May-25 |
Who takes care of the Cowbirds' eggs? |
28-May-25 |
Why do daddy longlegs have such long legs? |
4-Jun-25 |
Why do fireflies glow? |
11-Jun-25 |
How do springtails jump so high? |
18-Jun-25 |
Why are butterflies so beautiful? |
25-Jun-25 |
What lives in the creek? (creekwalk day!) |
2-Jul-25 |
Cancelled |
9-Jul-25 |
What is quicksand? |
16-Jul-25 |
Why do snakes shed their skin? |
23-Jul-25 |
What is metamorphosis? |
30-Jul-25 |
What is a minnow? |
6-Aug-25 |
What is a shooting star? |
13-Aug-25 |
Do animals get sunburns? |
20-Aug-25 |
Why do darters dart? |
27-Aug-25 |
About maypops? |
3-Sep-25 |
What do vultures eat? |
10-Sep-25 |
What is algae? |
17-Sep-25 |
About persimmons? |
24-Sep-25 |
Why do raccoons have a striped tail? |
1-Oct-25 |
Cancelled |
8-Oct-25 |
About puffballs? |
15-Oct-25 |
How do spiders hunt? |
22-Oct-25 |
How do seeds move around? |
29-Oct-25 |
Who decomposes the decomposers? |
5-Nov-25 |
What is inside a geode? |
12-Nov-25 |
Cancelled |
19-Nov-25 |
How hot is the sun? |
26-Nov-25 |
Cancelled |
3-Dec-25 |
What kind of homes did settlers live in? |
10-Dec-25 |
Do bobcats purr? |
17-Dec-25 |
Where does mistletoe grow? |
24-Dec-25 |
Cancelled |
31-Dec-24 |
Cancelled |