Wednesday Wonders 2025

Wednesday January 8

Other dates...

10:30 AM  –  11:30 AM

Wednesday Wonders is geared towards elementary aged (recommended ages 5-9) learners. Offering a different natural history topic each week we will cultivate critical thinking, scientific literacy, and stewardship of our natural surroundings. This hour long program emphasizes learning through exploration and discovery outdoors combined with science experiments, activities, play, and art. Come prepared for the weather as we go outside for hikes, creekwalks, and activities during all seasons.

2025 Topics

1-Jan-25 Cancelled
8-Jan-25 Why are bald eagles bald?
15-Jan-25 What is at the center of the Earth?
22-Jan-25 Why are trees so tall?
29-Jan-25 What is a whirlpool?
5-Feb-25 What color is fire?
12-Feb-25 Why do birds fly together in a flock?
19-Feb-25 Do all animals have blood?
26-Feb-25 Why do some animals eyes glow in the dark?
5-Mar-25 Cancelled
12-Mar-25 How do snails get their shells?
19-Mar-25 Do poisonous frogs live in KY?
26-Mar-25 What shape is a flower?
2-Apr-25 Cancelled
9-Apr-25 Can plants talk to each other?
16-Apr-25 Why do animals have different teeth?
23-Apr-25 Where does morning dew come from?
30-Apr-25 What animals used to live here? (look at extinct animals)
7-May-25 About wild strawberries?
14-May-25 Do Box turtles shed their shells?
21-May-25 Who takes care of the Cowbirds' eggs?
28-May-25 Why do daddy longlegs have such long legs?
4-Jun-25 Why do fireflies glow?
11-Jun-25 How do springtails jump so high?
18-Jun-25 Why are butterflies so beautiful?
25-Jun-25 What lives in the creek? (creekwalk day!)
2-Jul-25 Cancelled
9-Jul-25 What is quicksand?
16-Jul-25 Why do snakes shed their skin?
23-Jul-25 What is metamorphosis?
30-Jul-25 What is a minnow? 
6-Aug-25 What is a shooting star?
13-Aug-25 Do animals get sunburns?
20-Aug-25 Why do darters dart?
27-Aug-25 About maypops?
3-Sep-25 What do vultures eat?
10-Sep-25 What is algae?
17-Sep-25 About persimmons?
24-Sep-25 Why do raccoons have a striped tail?
1-Oct-25 Cancelled
8-Oct-25 About puffballs?
15-Oct-25 How do spiders hunt?
22-Oct-25 How do seeds move around?
29-Oct-25 Who decomposes the decomposers?
5-Nov-25 What is inside a geode?
12-Nov-25 Cancelled
19-Nov-25 How hot is the sun?
26-Nov-25 Cancelled
3-Dec-25 What kind of homes did settlers live in?
10-Dec-25 Do bobcats purr?
17-Dec-25 Where does mistletoe grow?
24-Dec-25 Cancelled
31-Dec-24 Cancelled
